2/8 SAT – Pinewood Derby – Scouts must be signed up in advance so that we can hopefully streamline the computer system this year. Deadline is Thur 2/6. Time to Sign up https://www.timetosignup.com/pack171/sheet/1294823/.
2/9 SUN – Scout Sunday – We will be serving as greeters for the 8:30AM service to show our appreciation for the church providing us a facility to use for our meetings in addition to other support. Please plan to arrive at 8:00AM so we can get organized and distribute bulletins as the congregation arrives. We will meet at the main/front entrance.
2/10 MON – Den Meetings 7-8 @ Otterbein
2/17 MON – No scouts 7-8 @ Otterbein
2/24 MON – Den Meetings 7-8 @ Otterbein
3/2 MON – Den Meetings 7-8 @ Otterbein
3/9 MON – Den Meetings 7-8 @ Otterbein
3/14 SAT – Blue and Gold Ceremony, Arrow of Light Den Crossover – This is an ice cream social event for the scouts and their families and a chance to congratulate the Arrow of Light Den on completing their cub scouting journey. Troop 171 will be present to welcome the graduates into their ranks.